4 Ways the Holy Spirit Leads

Good Afternoon Partners and Friends,

I am so glad to be back with you as I write and you read this blog! You are in our heart and prayers daily, and we are thankful for you!  

Today I wanted to share with you part of a message that was preached on a Wednesday night here at A Glorious Church.  The title of the message is “4 Ways the Holy Spirit Leads”. As Christians, we live our lives daily endeavoring to be led by the Holy Spirit. I felt led to share this with you to help encourage you and exhort you to keep practicing! He is the greatest guide in the world, and we just have to know how to tap into His guidance.

Our key scripture is found in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (TPT). It says:

“Every Scripture has been written by the Holy Spirit, the breath of God. It will empower you by its instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right direction and lead you deeper into the path of Godliness.”

A lot of times, this scripture is used to teach what the Word of God will do for you, and that perspective is true. The scriptures are God’s words being brought forth by the Holy Spirit, but pay close attention to the one Who wrote them: The Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit wrote the words, then it is also my understanding that He will lead us this way. So, let’s take a look at this scripture closely.

Looking into this scripture, we see four ways that the Word of God helps us and four ways the Holy Spirit leads us:

  1. Instruction (of the word)

  2. Correction (of your flesh)

  3. Direction (of your life)

  4. Godliness (of your spirit)


Every day of our lives the Holy Spirit wants to lead us. He wants to lead us by giving us instruction from the Word of God. Have you ever read a passage of scripture and, all of the sudden, that passage really meant something to you and your life situation? That is the leading of the Holy Spirit.  


The next way the Holy Spirit leads us every day is not always the most popular, but it is vital: the leading of correction. Have you ever said something and instantly knew that was the wrong thing to say? That is the correction of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does not condemn you, He just corrects you.


The third way the Holy Spirit endeavors to lead us is by direction for our lives on the path that God has for us. Think about where you live or the church you attend. Most likely, the Holy Spirit guided you there. You had a “knowing” that this was the place for you! Or at times, you have had a “knowing” you weren’t supposed to be there. That is the direction of the Holy Spirit, and the more you learn and practice this aspect of His leading, the stronger you will be able to operate in hearing Him for direction in your life.


A fourth way the Holy Spirit will lead us is godliness. Another word for godliness is holiness. The Holy Spirit will always lead you to God and His ways. For example, if you have an addiction or a passion that you like to do and it does not line up with the Word of God, the Holy Spirit will lead you away from that and bring you into victory over that. 

So, as you begin this upcoming week, please take time to meditate and practice. Look for these four ways the Holy Spirit would like to lead you, and as you do, you will grow stronger in Him daily.

-Coach Brim

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Prayer Request

Dear Partners and Friends,

Today I wanted to encourage you to pray! The most powerful weapon we have today is our voice being lifted in prayer and praise. God has stated several times in His word, “we have not because we ask not.” In other words, we have not because we have not prayed. So, with that instruction from God in hand, let’s ask!

One of the things we need to ask for in prayer, is concerning the Presidential election and the path of the election. I have a dear friend, being prompted by the Holy Spirit, requested us to join with them to pray the next 34 days, taking an hour watch for each day.  We, at C4C and A Glorious Church Fellowship, joined together in agreement with this request, and we would like to ask you to join us. 

Below is a declaration to state during your time of prayer. Please pray the declaration with us and then add to it the way the Holy Spirit is leading you.  

Thank you for joining us in adding your supply to the path of election!

1. Pray in the Spirit

2. Then make this decree:

This is a nation that follows after God. We believe the word of God to be true. We hear the voice of the Father and we know what to do. We declare His Kingdom come His will be done in the earth as it is in Heaven.

3. Holy Spirit prayer:

Prepare us Lord for your will to be done. Prepare us Lord for your will to be done. The army of the Lord Rising up. Higher Higher Higher - Higher ground – Our vantage point. We take down the plan of the enemy we destroy the works of the evil one. The Blood of Jesus destroys his plans. Freedom Freedom Freedom on this Land.

-Coach Brim

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God Sustains

Hey Champs!

I just wanted to share a short blog with you today to bring some good news and encouragement to your life, and it’s all about the goodness of God! I was listening to another wonderful minister of the gospel the other day, and he made this statement: “Everything in life is sustained by God’s goodness”. As a meditated on that thought, the Holy Spirit started to open up to me about how the earth is sustained by His goodness. If God removed His goodness from the face of the earth, then the earth would be like hell - no goodness.  

Exodus 34:6 says, 

And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed, ‘The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth.’

In God’s goodness, He sustains life! Look around you - the trees, animals, and people live and  are alive by God’s goodness. Not only that, the very air we breathe, is sustained by God’s goodness. 

In God’s goodness, He sent Jesus as our Savior so that we may have a way back to Him. But not only a way back to Him, an abundant life of health, joy, peace and prosperity all sustained by His goodness!

In God’s goodness, He gave us His word so that we may be able to stand and be victorious in this life on the earth. His word, His commandment, and His covenant were all created out of His goodness so that we may walk in the goodness!

Champions, I challenge you to look around you today, and locate the goodness of God in your life. Not only locate it, but be thankful for it because your Heavenly Father sustains that goodness just for you!

-Coach Brim

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