Give a Voice of Praise

Good afternoon Partners and Friends!

I am sitting here this afternoon thinking about my time of praise, prayer, and study with the Lord today; and I decided to share my morning time with God, with you.

I woke up this morning with these words going off in my spirit: “Give the voice of praise!” Instantly, I thought of King David and how he always gave a voice of praise to God in every situation that he came against. Running from Saul, he gave the voice of praise. Fighting his enemies, he gave the voice of praise. In good times, in bad times, and in everyday life, he gave a voice of praise to God. King David is such a great example of how to live a life of praise to the Father. What better time do we have the opportunity to lift up our voice of praise to God than in the middle of a pandemic - when your finances are cut in half or completely stopped? This may not make sense to the natural mind, but to your spirit (and according to the word of God) it makes total sense.  

There are two major things that praise to God does when we lift our voice of praise over a situation:

  1. It shows God that we trust him.

  2. It silences the enemy.

How does it show God we trust Him? Turn to Psalms 50:23 (AMPC). This verse states, “He who brings an offering of praise and thanksgiving honors and glorifies Me…” In other words, when we praise God it honors and glorifies God, and it lets God know that we are trusting Him over the circumstances we see. We trust him over the negative reports we hear concerning COVID-19. It moves our eyes off of the situation and onto God and His word!

In Psalms 8:2 (TPT) we find out that praise will shut the mouth of the enemy. It says, “You have built a stronghold by the songs of babies.” This kind of praise has the power to shut Satan’s mouth. Childlike worship will silence the madness of those who oppose you.

What? You mean to tell me that if I give God a voice of praise during my times of trouble, it silences the enemy? According to this scripture, it sure does! Try this yourself: think of your favorite dessert. Now, start singing your favorite worship song. Can that thought of dessert stay in your mind while you’re singing? No. 

It is the same with the enemy. If a negative thought comes your way, start praising God and those negative thoughts will begin to disappear. Maybe not right away, but those thoughts will eventually start to disappear as you keep pressing in with your voice of praise. Psalms 8:2 tells us that it is so easy that a child can do it! Remove the enemy - silence the enemy - with a voice of praise. What kind of praise? Childlike worship unto the Father. 

My friends, we have a lot of things going on around us with COVID-19, isolation, loss of income, and many more things we see and hear about on a daily basis; but I challenge you this week to lift a voice of praise unto God. By doing so, you will show God you trust Him, and you will silence the enemy.

-Coach Brim


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I wanted to share a short blog on something we saw the other day. A friend of ours sent us a video of a preacher sharing a story about a student he had in his Christian school from China. This student explained to him that in the Chinese language, the word crisis is made up of two words: danger and opportunity. So, when you say the word crisis in the Chinese culture, they automatically think of two things: danger and opportunity. 

Think about the crisis we have staring us in the face every time we turn on the news, surf the internet, or talk with our friends. This crisis is on everyone’s mind, and as we talked about in last week’s blog, good news is far from most people’s thoughts. We are continually hearing about the dangers of this virus; but just as the word crisis means danger, it also means opportunity. During this time of such bad news, we have an opportunity as the body of Christ to bring the good news of the gospel of Jesus of Christ. The Word of God is continually pointing us to His grace, mercy, love, and peace. We, as the body of Christ, should be that for people during this time. We should take this opportunity to proclaim the gospel to those around us. In the book of Ephesians, we are told that we are called to edify each other. In other words, encourage each other in the Word of God. 

When a crisis of lack comes someone’s way, we should take the opportunity to share with them the hope found in Jesus and lend a helping hand. When the crisis of sickness comes knocking at someone’s door, we should take the opportunity to share the Word of God and pray for their healing. Every day, in the many situations of life, we have an opportunity to rise above the moment and trust in God. Let others around us know that they can trust in God. 

Champions, I have a question for you. In a crisis, which of the two words are you going to choose to focus on? The danger or the opportunity?

-Coach Brim

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Good News!

Over the last several weeks, all we seem to be hearing is bad news - one thing after another. Every time you turn on the news or just go online, you see more bad news. I woke up one morning thinking, “I just want to hear some good news!” So, I started studying the Word of God. I came across this scripture in Romans 1:16:

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. 

That word gospel, when translated, means “good news”. In other words, the Word of God (the gospel of God) is good news! Glory to God!  

Do you need some good news today? Go to the word of God. So, let’s rewrite this scripture with the translation brought forth in Romans 1:16: 

For I am not ashamed of the “good news” of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.

God’s Word is the good news, and that good news brings forth power! 

What kind of power does that Word bring? Saving power! The Word saves us from hell and into heaven for eternity. But it does not stop there! Praise God! Salvation is much more than just escaping a lifetime in hell with Satan, salvation covers all areas of life! In the salvation of God, we are saved from lack, sickness, and lack of peace. The good news is, if you have made Jesus your Lord and Savior, you are saved from the curse and are seated in His blessings. That is the good news that brings forth power in your life! God’s word of good news brings forth this saving power.

The only three requirements for this good news and power in your life is believing in Jesus, accepting Him as your savior, and believing in His Word. That’s it! So, let's believe and proclaim the good news everywhere we go! Don’t get on social media and proclaim all the bad news. Get on social media and proclaim the good news! Proclaim God’s Word and edify each other!

I challenge you, Champions 4 Christ! Be the answer to all the questions by bringing forth the good news of the Word of God. Choose to rise above all the bad news that is going out and speak the good news of His Word. The more we bring forth the good news, the more power the body of Christ will operate in.

Father, I lift up our partners and friends to You today, and I believe in Your Word and Your promises found in it. I speak health, prosperity, peace, and joy over our partners. I thank You, Lord, that they are protected by Your blood and they are surrounded in Your love. I believe that right now wisdom and revelation knowledge is going forth for every purpose that is at hand and they will know what to do and how to react during these times and I believe the good news of your word will manifest in their life on a greater level than ever before.  I thank you Lord, for each and every one of them and ask for your blessing to be upon them in Jesus name.

-Chip Brim

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