Grace Makes, Faith Takes

Hello Partners and Friends, 

I want to share a simple phrase that the Holy Spirit placed on my heart several months ago: Grace makes, faith takes.

We have been teaching the message of God’s grace, and in that message the statement, “grace makes, faith takes” has come to the forefront of the whole message. But, what does that mean to us as believers? What does grace makes mean? It’s pretty simple.

God has made everything possible by His wonderful grace. Grace is the unmerited favor that God has given to us through His unfailing love. He provided salvation by His grace, healing by His grace, prosperity, peace, joy, knowledge, etc. by His grace. All that God did for us in the name of salvation was created by His grace. His unmerited favor created everything for us! Praise God! It’s like receiving a gift at Christmas time from someone. The gift is picked out, put in a box, wrapped, and presented to you with no strings attached. Inside that box is a gift specially designed for you in mind. It has been beautifully prepared for you to have. By the grace of the Giver, this gift was given to you. Grace makes. 

The only part we have to do in receiving this gift is to take it, thus the next part of the phrase, ...Faith takes. God has placed in every person a measure of faith (Romans 12:3), and with this measure of faith we are able to “take” things from God that He has already provided by His grace. For example, God provided salvation through His son Jesus. It was by His grace He gave up His only son for us! All we have to do, by faith, is believe that Jesus died for our sins and confess Him as our savior. By faith, we take salvation. Faith takes.  

It is the same with any of the promises of God. We receive them by taking them. Now, go back to the example of the Christmas gift, you must take that gift from the person giving it to you. The gift has been picked out for you, prepared for you, and given to you, now you must choose to take it.  

Grace makes, faith takes.

I would like to close this blog out today, with a prayer over you!

Dear Father, 

I thank you so very much for our partners and friends. They are such a blessing to us and to the body of Christ. I thank you, Lord, that as they meditate on this simple phrase, grace makes, faith takes that You unveil to their Spirits the revelation of all that You have provided in Your word and the process of taking it by faith. Thank you, Lord, for our lives in You! Amen.

-Coach Brim

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New Year - The Seasons of Life

Hello Partners and Friends!

I am sitting in my office looking out the window at the grey skies of winter and feeling the chill of thirty-one degree temperatures in the great state of Oklahoma. I am very thankful for the different seasons we get to experience in life. In Oklahoma, we experience all four seasons, and each season brings joy to my life, as well as discomfort. For example, winter, with all its beauty of grounds covered with white snow and bright star-filled nights, brings the cold temperatures that can be unbearable with the Oklahoma wind. Summer with all the flowers, watermelon and sunny days by the pool, can also be so hot outside that a day by the pool is a must if you are going to be outside. All seasons, in the natural, bring us joy and bring us trials. 

Seasons in life can be just like that - seasons of joy and season of tribulation. The Word of God tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” Just like the earthly seasons roll around every year, so will the seasons in life that are full of joy and ones in which we seem to experience trials. But, as we begin this new year, let’s not forget that through all the seasons of life, we have one hope; and our hope is in Jesus Christ and His finished work. We have the hope that even though it may be a cloudy, cold, wind-blown winter’s day outside today;  tomorrow is a new day. To everything there is a season. Every season we face this coming year, we can look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. We know that we will make it through this cold, blustery, winter’s day and wake to a sun shining, bright day tomorrow because Jesus is our hope for tomorrow. Jesus is the finisher of our days and is with us through every moment of joy and every trial we may face this coming year. All we have to do is keep our eyes on Him. 

So, as we begin our new year, let’s make it our goal during this new season to keep our eyes on Jesus. Even when the wind blows, our eyes are on Jesus. Even when it’s a bright beautiful day, our eyes are on Jesus. We are continually looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, and we will make it through this year in the finished work of Christ. He will write the ending for every situation if we keep our eyes on Him in every season of this upcoming year.

Agree with me in this prayer over you in 2020:

“Father, I lift up our partners and friends to you; thank you so much for each and every one of them and what they mean to our lives, to this ministry, and to the body of Christ. Thank you, Lord, that as we enter this new year, in every situation we will be looking to you for your guidance, wisdom, and revelation. I thank you, Lord, that you are increasing our partners and friends with great revelation and spiritual understanding. I believe with all my heart that they will hear your voice clearly this year, like never before. I also ask you, Lord, to bless our partners and friends this year exceedingly abundantly above all that they can ask or think. I believe doors of opportunity and finances are opening up to them as you increase them in all areas of their lives. Expand and increase their vision, as they expand and increase in You. I pray for peace, joy, health and prosperity to be upon them in all they do during this new year. I cover them in your blood and surround them with your love. In Jesus’s precious name. Amen.

-Coach Brim

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Word for 2020

Hello Partners and Friends!

I am excited today to share a word that the Holy Spirit gave to us about the year 2020. I believe as we meditate on it and walk in the revelation of it, we will begin to see it manifest in our lives.  Here is the Word:

If you go forth in trusting Me,

In 2020 you will see an increase like never before -

A new golden door. 

A spiritual plan of increase upon you and your seed,

Increase that will flow in word and deed.

Like King Midas, you will come to a place that everything you set your hand to shall help extend this race.

I will overtake you in my increase as you continue to press into Me,

Into My Word, into My Promises, into My Blood.

Nothing is too insignificant, nothing will be undone.

Increase will overtake you, increase will over run.

Increase will go before you and set the stage for everything I’ve called you to do in this age.

Look unto Me, My Word, My plan, and the earth will yield its fruit and expand.

Expand to new levels and heights in Me.

Experiencing the greater increase.

Increase in 2020 will be the new norm for those who have built their foundation on Lord.

After meditating on the last part of the Word, the Holy Spirit added this:

If you have not built your foundation in Me, it’s never too late, to step in and see

My goodness, my grace will carry you through.

So, begin your foundation in Me today and know that increase is on its way.


So, let’s make 2020 the year we build our foundation on the Lord by pressing into Him, His word, His promises, His name, and His blood; and we will see increase! Spiritual increase first, and natural increase will follow. 


Father, I lift up each one of our partners and friends to you today, and I thank you that this year will be a year of increase in their lives. I pray that they will press into You like never before.  Spiritual revelation and knowledge will flow out of them. Love, understanding, and compassion will be their nature, and they will walk in a supernatural increase that will envelope their everyday lives. Thank you, Lord, for C4C partners and friends! I ask you to bless them today and throughout 2020.  

-Coach Brim

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