Psalm 119

Dear Partners and Friends,

Today I was reading in Psalms 119. Every time I read this Psalm, I am reminded about how important the Word of God is to our lives. Over and Over again the psalmist states how much the Word of God means to him and what the benefits are to staying close to the Word of God. 

Let me just give you a few examples.

Psalms 119:14-16 “I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies (word) As much as in all riches.” I will meditate on Your Precepts (a command word of God) And contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word.”

In all three of these verses we see how the psalmist desires to keep the Word of God ever present in his life. And he continues with this same theme throughout all of Psalms 119. Whether the Psalmist says, “word”, “precepts”, “testimonies”, “law”, “statutes” or “commandments”; he is talking about the Word of God. 

In Psalms 119:28-31, you begin to see how the psalmist operate in the Word of God during times of pressure - when the enemy has risen against him. Verses 28-31 state, “My soul melts from heaviness; Strengthen me according to Your word. Remove from me the way of lying, and grant me Your law graciously. I have chosen the way of truth; Your judgments I have laid before me. I cling to Your testimonies.” The word, once again, remains a central theme to his life and being able to go forward in life as an overcomer. I love how he states in verse 31, “I cling to Your testimonies.” This is the whole message of Psalm 119. The psalmist is giving continual glory to God for His Word when things are going well and when things are going bad. 

This should be our stance in God and His word, champion friends! We should revere and place God’s Word high above everything else in life! We should long for and desire to spend time in His word and walking out the word of God in all we do! We should cling to the word in the middle of every trial, and we will be just like the psalmist said in Psalms 119:2: “Blessed are those who keep His testimonies (word), who seek Him with the whole heart!”

I challenge you to read Psalm 119 today in its entirety. I believe in doing so, you will also see that the Word, when held in love and reverence by you, will change your life just as it did the writer of Psalm 119.

-Coach Brim

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You Love Me

Dear Champions,

I came across this statement today by Corrie Ten Boom, and I felt like it was a great way to start this blog. Corrie said this to the Lord: “You (God) love me as I am, but You (God) love me too much to leave me that way.”

God so loves us that it is His desire that we prosper in all areas of our lives. God sees us and loves us even through our mistakes, faults, and lack of discipline. He loves us and sees us through Jesus, and in doing so, He desires for our life to be greater than we even desire! God sees the greatness in us through Jesus’s blood; and He is daily trying to pull that greatness out of us through the leading of the Holy Spirit. We are so loved and provided for beyond any measure that our own thought-life can imagine. We are so loved by God! Just the thought of that statement makes my heart soar to a higher level in Him. Does it do that to you?

There was also a prophecy that came through Grace Roose. “Train yourself to hear the royal sound: to love Me utterly even as I love you. I love you (God speaking) so I ache to help you.” 

God so loves you that he aches to help you and me. Now, tie that statement in with what Corrie Ten Boom said: “You (God) love me as I am, but You (God) love me too much to leave me that way.”

In God’s gracious, unconditional love, He does not want us to hold on to things, stay a certain way, or remain as we are year after year. He wants us to grow in Him and in His Spirit so that we may prosper in Him and in the life we lead daily.

3 John 1:2 states: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” God does want us to prosper in all things of life. Moving towards prosperity in Him, He has to change us and rearrange our soul to line up with His Spirit. We should be thankful to God that He accepts us just as we are, but also, that He loves us enough to teach us and guide us in how we should change some things for the betterment of our lives.

So, declare this over yourself today:

“I am a willing vessel to be open to the change that God is asking from me. I am open to change that is gently led by the Holy Spirit - a change that will eventually lead me into a greater relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I am open to His voice me, knowing that God loves me just the way I am but that He loves me even so much that He won’t leave me unchanged.”

-Coach Brim

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It's Good to Be a Christian

Hey Champs!

A great friend of ours always says this: “It is so good to be Christian!” Lift your voice and praise the Lord for our position in Him as part of His body! Aren’t you thankful today that we are called in Him to be successful in Him? Aren’t you thankful that all things have been provided through His name and His blood? When we choose to use His name and His blood over everything that may come our way, we are promised success. We are promised success if we do not let go of His promises.

What do His promises say?

We are healed and whole. We have peace, joy, and prosperity through His name and His blood. We have mercy that we can call upon every day, and we are surrounded in His grace. We can receive revelation knowledge over situations in life, and we can have a greater understanding and increased wisdom while reading His word. 

We’ve been promised a Helper that lives inside of us - a guide that will lead us through all situations - if we will yield to His voice. The Holy Spirit, the third part of the trinity, lives inside of us and will never leave us. Praise God; we are not alone! 

We have a mediator that is making intercession for us daily. Jesus is standing before God on our behalf. We are not alone! We have ministering spirits, angels, sent forth from the Father to help us! We are not alone.

We have been promised eternity. The day we accepted Jesus as our Savior, we were placed in a loving family and given an eternal home in heaven. Champions, we are forever bound to spend eternity with God - the creator of the universe, the king of kings, the Lord of Lords, the One who holds all things in His right hand, the master planner of the universe, the God Who brought Jesus to save us and the God who will bring Jesus in His second coming to take us all home!

It is good to be a Christian! I encourage you today to lift your voice in praise to the One Who loves you more dearly than all. God, we praise you! We worship you! We thank you, in Jesus’ Name.

-Coach Brim

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