Set Your Gaze

Hey Champs,

Today, I want to share with you a scripture that I found in The Passion Translation. This scripture has become one of my favorite scriptures to look at when I get a little weary in doing the things God has called me to. I can see you all through this computer looking all holy right now, (lol) but we all go through it. We all, at various times in our lives, feel like the path we are on is just too hard to travel on. We sometimes feel like the call God has placed on our lives, whether it’s our job or just the fact He’s asked us to walk in love, is just too hard to do right now. The fleshy part of our nature just wants to give up and move on. This is when you meditate Proverbs 4:25-26.

Proverbs 4:25-26 (TPT)

25: Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead. Ignore life’s distraction.

26: Watch where you are going! Stick to the path of truth and the road will be safe and smooth.

The first part of this verse tells you to set your gaze on the path before you. This word path is actually the Greek word, Derek, which means a specific path God has placed you on. So, we are not being instructed to look at just any path set before us, we are asked to look at God’s path. And, we are not just casually looking at it as we pass by. No, we are setting ourselves to pay close attention to it so much so that we have a fixed purpose. Our goal is to continue to walk this out with a determined mind. Our mind is fixed on the purpose God has called us to at that time in our life. This is where most Christians miss it: they know God has something for them to do, they know what the word tells them to do concerning a situation; but they don’t continue when times get rough. Another way to say this is “determined purpose”. They don’t remain determined to do God’s word.

For example, God has called us to the path of love when a problem arises. Do we set our gaze on walking in love? Do we fix our mind on the fact that we are going to walk in love through the problem? Or, is our fixed purpose on the problem and our fleshly response?

Another example for this would be for those in the fivefold ministry, or if you’ve been called to a certain church. When things don’t go the way you think they should go or people get upset or people don’t agree on certain things, do you set your gaze on everything that is going wrong, or do you set your gaze on what God has called you to do? If you answer this question with “yes, I set my gaze on what God has called me to do,” then you need to walk in the next part of this verse “...with a fixed purpose, looking straight ahead and ignoring the distractions that will come your way.”

The enemy’s whole plan is to get you distracted from the truth of what God has called you to. Every day the enemy is setting out “roadblocks” that distract you from God’s word and the calling on your life. When these things come your way, remember what Proverb 4:25 states and keep your focus.

-Chip Brim

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Gather the People

Hey Champs!

Over the last two weeks we have been focusing on the scriptures found in Acts 18:9-10.  (And if you have not been with us for the last two weeks, I highly suggest that you go back and read the two earlier blogs before reading this one)

Acts 18:9-10 in the New International Version is a vision the Lord sent to Paul during a difficult time in His life. The Lord spoke to Paul: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, don’t be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.”

God is saying this to us today! “Do not be afraid. Don’t be silent. Keep on speaking my Word for I am with you and I have other Christians around you!” God has united His own army in the very city you live in and He is asking us to rise up and not be silent.

Last week, we talked about how Esther rose to the occasion for the sake of the Jewish nation.  Mordieccia had told her, “who knows but that you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this and for this very occasion.” God is saying that to His body today. We have been placed in the time period we live in and the area we live in for such a time as this! God needs His body to keep on speaking His word, keep on applying His blood, keep on praying over situations - for such a time as this.

We left off last week with Esther getting ready to speak to Mordeicia about “rallying her troops.” In Esther 4:16 (AMP) Esther states: “Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast for me: and neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. I also and my maids will fast as you do. Then I will go to the king, though it is against the law; and if I perish, I perish.”

Just as God said to Paul, “I am with you, and I have people around you.” So did Esther. She gathered the people around her in her city for the cause: prayer. Champions, when a situation arises in your life, gather your army around you for the cause of prayer. Enlist trusted people to stand in the gap with you! Then you all, standing in faith together, can move the mountain out of the way. People united for one purpose can stop the enemy from advancing forward and turn the situation around, all for the Glory of God. People arising and united together for such a time as this! Gather your people just like Esther did, and take back what belongs to you through Christ Jesus to overcome the very occasion set before you!

-Coach Brim

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"I Have People"

Hey Partners and Friends!

I am so excited to bring you what the Lord has placed on my heart! I believe it will be an inspiration to you about the heart of God.

Just recently, a friend of mine shared this scripture; and as soon as he read it, it went off in my spirit! The scripture is found in Acts 18:9-10, and it’s the Lord speaking to Paul. Let’s set the scene: Paul was in Corinth preaching the good news of the gospel to the people of Corinth; but they kept opposing, abusing, and reviling him as he spoke. It bothered Paul so much that he took off his clothes and shook them out as to say, “I rid myself of you.” Have you ever felt like Paul? You’re just trying to do the Christian things in life, and the opposition is against you. But! Then the Lord enters in verse nine and speaks a word of encouragement to Paul. 

Acts 18:9-10 states: “One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: ’Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.’” (NIV)

In other words, the Lord was telling Paul, “Don’t be afraid. Keep speaking my word. Don’t go silent because I am with you, and I have believers around you praying for you, standing with you! So, keep speaking!” 

For today’s purpose, we are going to focus on the last part of verse ten, “I have many people in this city.”  This is the part that went off in my spirit! God has people in every city, in every town, in the middle of nowhere. God has people, and not just anyone, but His people. He has you! Champions, no matter where you may be, you are placed there by God to keep on speaking! Don’t be afraid, but keep on speaking. Keep declaring the Blood of Jesus over your area. Keep speaking over your town, standing in the gap for the schools in your area. Keep reading the Ephesians prayers over the government officials. Don’t be silent. The enemy would say that you can’t make a difference, but the word says otherwise. God, Himself, said, “I have people!” He’s calling forth His people to unite for His purpose, and just as He said to Paul, He is saying to us! Don’t be afraid - keep on speaking! The greatest weapon we have against the enemy is the voice of faith that God gave us! That voice of faith, speaking His word over our area, matters greatly in the kingdom of God.

So, Champions, I say to you today: keep on speaking, for you are the people that God has placed in the area you live to rule and reign over the enemy. You, with your voice of faith declaring the word of God and pleading the blood, will make a difference! Keep on speaking!

-Coach Brim

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