Complete in Him

Good evening, Partner and Friends!

Have you ever felt like you were going through life just to make it to the end of a goal? Just to complete a task? Trying to get to a place of some form of perfection? We all do this at some point in our lives. Whether it be in our careers, parenting, being the favorite friend, or employee - we have within us a longing to be something more than we feel we already are. Most people who are without Christ spend a lot of time looking for something that seems to be missing. They are longing for a completeness or wholeness in their lives. Even after we get saved, we may continue to look for that peace, completeness, and wholeness not knowing that all the while that the moment we accepted Jesus as our Savior, we become whole in all areas of our lives. We became complete.

Colossians 2:9-10 states, For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him who is the head of all principality and power. Praise God! See, in Jesus dwells every bit of power, every ounce of peace, every moment of victory; and in every stand that you will take, Jesus is the fullness you need to complete the stand! 

The Word of God tells us, “when you’ve done all to stand, stand.” But! You are not standing in your own self, your own merits, or your own rights. You are standing in the fullness of Christ - His merits and His rights! Standing on the fullness of His Word, Jesus died for you that you may be free and that you may be complete. But, completeness does not come from you doing a million things to reach this goal. Completeness, just as the word states, comes from IN HIM. In Colossians 2:10 the word says, and YOU are COMPLETE IN HIM!

The word complete means to have all the necessary and appropriate parts. To finish making or doing something and to bring it to a place of wholeness or perfection. When the Word of God tells us that we are complete in Him, we have all the necessary and appropriate parts found in Him! And in Him, we are complete - not in us, thank God - but in Him!

He completes everything in our lives; all we are required to do is believe that. Take it by faith and continue to look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith! We could also say it like this: continue to look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our completeness. It’s like this: when we accepted Jesus as our Savior, He gave us a gym bag full of all the equipment we would need to walk in this life upon the earth. Nothing is missing out of the gym bag. It’s a complete gym bag. We are complete IN HIM

So, this week I challenge you to set your mind on the fact that you are complete, finished, and perfected in Jesus. Stand your ground knowing that in every event that comes your way, you can declare that YOU are COMPLETE IN HIM!

-Coach Brim

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Rally Prayer

Champions 4 Christ Partners and Friends,

I am sending you the exact letter that I am sending out to all the youth pastors and leaders that are bringing their youth to C4C Youth Rally 2019. Would you join us in prayer as the teenagers from all over the United States come together to worship God this upcoming week? Would you take the same principles that are written below and apply them to your life? The more you expect the goodness, grace, power, and love of God to operate in your life, the more it will. I challenge you to raise your expectancy over the things of God in your life, and wherever you go and whatever you do, expect God to move for you!

Hey C4C Leaders!

We are so excited about this year’s rally! This year will be our 19th C4C Youth Rally, and we are believing God for His presence, His power, and His mighty Spirit be so real and so present during this time together that our lives are changed. We will never be the same!

We have been praying and confessing these very things over each one of you, and we are asking you to join with us, before the rally starts, in raising your expectation to receive from God exactly what you need to receive from Him.

Expectation  // noun // a strong belief that something will happen.

Come expecting that every day of the rally something will happen to the Glory of God! Come expecting that His presence, His power, and His spirit that lives inside of you will rise to a place like never before. Expect that you will be changed all for the Glory of God, and you will go out and change the world around you.

Come with the strong belief that God has placed you at this year’s rally. You will hear from God concerning your life and situations that you may be dealing with. Come expecting breakthroughs in your life. Come expecting to walk in a stronger relationship with God. Come expecting His healing power to be present! Come expecting His peace, His salvation, and His wholeness be there!  

COME EXPECTING! And together our hearts will be joined in unity of expecting more!

Thank you, Partners, for joining us in prayer over this next generation of God’s army. Just as stated in the above letter, wherever you go and whatever you do, raise your expectancy for God to move in your life!

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The Standard

Dear Partners and Friends,

Have you ever felt like everything was coming in on you all at once? Have you ever felt like you take one step forward in God and a situation drives you back two steps? Sometimes in our daily lives, it seems like the enemy has come in on us like a flood trying to overtake everything.

But, God has provided a scripture in His word to stand on concerning the enemy coming in so strongly.

Isaiah 59: 19

So, shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun.  When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.

This very scripture tells you that there will be seasons in life when the enemy will try to come in on you, overtake you, and just “flood” you out! It may seem that a massive number of things are rising up against you, but his is a tactic that the enemy will use to keep you from staying connected to God and His promises. We, here in Oklahoma, have just recently gone through this very thing naturally watching nightly news and seeing whole towns being covered by water. We know people personally whose houses were flooded, and we watched as they had to be evacuated by boat. We have friends who had cattle lost in the flood. We have been standing daily for the rain to stop so people would not have to endure any more signs of flooding on their property. Very real situations in life! Looking back now, I have a greater revelation of Isaiah 59:19.  

See, Champs, there will be times in life that we will have to stand against the flood that the enemy will bring our way; but no matter what, during that time of the “flood”, we have God on our side. The word of God tells us that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord shall hold up a standard against him (the enemy). So, in the midst of the storm we can know that we have every right to call upon the Lord, call upon the Holy Spirit, use the name of Jesus and apply His blood because God has set forth that standard!

The word standard is the Hebrew word Qep, and it means to make a way to flee, escape, depart from in such a way that the flood vanishes away. In other words, when the enemy comes in like a flood, God has a way for you to flee, escape, depart from and to vanish away that situation. He uses the Holy Spirit to lift up the way of escape. But, we have a part to play. When the enemy is trying to flood us out, we have to lift up our eyes and voice to God and look for that escape in Him. That escape is not in what we see, not in the natural light of things, but just purely standing on His word in Isaiah 59:19. Know that God has sent the Holy Spirit to lift up a way of escape from the floods of life. 

-Coach Brim

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