Hey Partners and Friends,
Last time we talked about our attitudes and I challenged you to not let your attitude affect your passion. How did you do? If you did well, keep going! If you did not, keep going! Remember, the Champions attitude is to do whatever it takes to get the job done.
This week I want to talk to you about Perception.
Changing your perception will change your attitude.
A person’s perception is his mental image of a situation. When things happen in life, you will perceive things to be a certain way. Is that perception of the situation a positive vision - God’s Word? Or is it a negative vision - Satan’s plan? Your perception makes a difference in your situation.
God had to change Abraham’s perception. He had to take Abraham outside his tent and look up at the stars. At that time, Abraham’s perception was, “God, how can I be the father of many nations when I am the father of none?” And God said, “Abraham, step outside of yourself, move outside of this tent that is holding you back, and look up at the stars. Look at what I have for you!” Sometimes we have to step outside our “tent” and look up at God! You have to see it to be it!
See what God’s word has to say about you and your situation and look unto God! Move outside your “tent” of doubt and disbelief and count the stars - the blessings God has for you! Remember, you have to see it to be it!
Don’t Forget: The 18th annual Champions 4 Christ youth rally in Branson, Mo. Is coming soon! This year’s rally dates are July 23-27th! This powerful week of meetings has great speakers like Chip and Billye Brim, Steve Munds and GO Ministries, and other impactful speakers. For more information please go to our website, Champions4Christ.org or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @c4crally.
- Coach Brim