Life of Praise

Hello Partners and Friends!  

Candace here. I always begin my day in the book of Ephesians, starting in chapter one and going all the way through to chapter six. However, today I did not get very far. In fact, I didn’t make it past chapter one before I was arrested by the Holy Spirit in chapter verse twelve. So, let’s take a look at this scripture together today in the Voice Translation.

Ephesians 1:12

As a result, we- the first to place our hope in the anointed one- will live in a way to bring Him glory and praise.

Now, I have a question for you: have you put your hope in the anointed one, Jesus? Have you made Jesus your Lord and Savior? Have you accepted Him into your life and asked Him to live in your heart? If so, this scripture was written to you. The rest of your life is set from here. You now are headed for a life of eternity with Him. Praise God! But not only that, while you’re heading towards eternity in Him, your life here upon the earth should be lived in such a way that you bring Him (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) glory and praise.

God does not ask much from us. When we accept His Son as our Savior, we are asked to live our lives loving Him. Jesus told us, along with many prophets, that we should love the Lord with all our heart. Then, as we see in Ephesians 1:12, we live our life to the praise of His glory.  Or as stated in the Voice Translation, we “will live in a way to bring Him glory and praise.”

This is one of my favorite things to say to God when I start the day, “Lord, let my life be to the praise of your glory. Let my actions, my speech, my time, and all my efforts of the day bring you glory and praise.” I always ask the Holy Spirit to help with this.

Below is a list of six things that I purpose myself to walk in so that I may bring Glory and praise to God. I call this my “by list”. You could probably add a lot more to the list than I have added below, but these six are the things that I am working on in my life right now.

  1. By telling others about Jesus

  2. By worshipping and praising Him 

  3. By becoming Christ like

  4. By loving others

  5. By serving others with the gifts Christ has blessed you with

  6. By walking in our inheritance

Next week, we will begin to take a look at each one of these areas and expand on how we can do them, thus bringing Glory to God with our lives. I challenge you today, to go through your day purposing in your heart that your actions of the day will bring glory and praise to God.

-Candace Brim

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