Break It Down
Hello Partners and Friends,
Today I want to begin sharing with you something that I have been studying in the word of God. I believe this will help you continue to go forth in being the Champion that God has called you to be!
In Colossians 2:6-7, the Word tells us, “as you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.”
You know, there are times on the practice field that ball teams have to break down plays and go over each part of that play, step by step, to make that play successful on the field. We are going to break this verse down, step by step, so that we can run a successful play in God.
Let’s start with the fact that the first thing this scripture mentions is that we have received Christ! The day you accepted Jesus as your savior, you received a gift! In receiving this gift, you were placed into a new family with a new name, a new bloodline, and a new life! You became a new creature in Christ Jesus! You now have the ability to live forever in Heaven with Him - the ability to walk on this earth, with His power and His authority, His voice and His leading through the Holy Spirit! These are all part of the gift you received when you “received Christ Jesus the Lord.” It’s like unwrapping a giant gift: the more you dig into the box, the more you find out what else is in that box.
When our daughter, Taylor, was a little girl, one year she really liked princess stuff. That was all she wanted for Christmas, so we decided to wrap a present with lots of little things in one big box. We found a couple of dolls, a pillow of a princess, a princess tea set, coloring books, matching crayons and the list goes on of all the stuff we found and added to this box! So, when we were finished, the box was full of lots of little presents wrapped in one big box. When you “received Christ Jesus the Lord” you received a big box full of gifts! It’s full of blessings and promises from Him!
Paul continues you to say you received the Lord. Now, let’s take that a step further. Jesus is your Lord and Savior, and when you receive Him, He should become your Lord. What does it mean when Jesus is your Lord? It means that you give Him full access to your life. We want His will and purpose for our lives. We endeavor to hear His voice on anything we do. So, Partners, let’s make a concentrated effort this week to keep Jesus in the position of our Lord.
Join us next time on the practice field as we continue to break down the rest of this play. Let’s continue down the field of life to becoming the Champions God created us to be. We pray blessings over our partners and friends!
-Coach Brim