
Dear Champions,

Today, I wanted to encourage you to make time your friend and not your foe. You may be thinking, “what do you mean time? Are you talking about making minutes in my day a friend? How is that even possible?”

Yes, in a way, that’s what I’m saying. Think about it: how many times a day do you look at your phone or clock to see what time it is? Our lives are driven by time, and if you really think about it, time is the most valuable thing you own.

In Ecclesiastes 3:1, you see the discussion of time and season. In fact, this whole section of scripture talks about seasons and times in our life; but let’s just look at the first part.

Ecclesiastes: 3:1-2

To everything there is a season. A time for every purpose under heaven…

A time for every purpose under heaven. Our time has been carved out by God Himself. God is eternal, and He doesn’t move in time like we do. But, He has set aside time during the fall of man, to direct us here upon the earth (under heaven). How we look at and use our time will determine whether time will become a friend or foe.  

Time can be your friend when you trust God in the time of waiting.

Time can become your foe when you worry about the situation in the time of waiting.

Time can be your friend when you give God your voice of praise in the time of waiting.

Time can be your foe when you lift up your voice with words of doubt in the time of waiting.

In fact, the aspect of time can be one of the biggest hindrances to our faith. Instead of sticking with God and His word while we are waiting for the manifestation of something we are believing for, we give up on trusting God and His word because it has taken too much time.

Partners and Friends, we need to determine in ourselves that no matter how much time has seemed to pass, we trust God! We need to say to ourselves, “I’m not moved by the measure of time, I am moved by God’s word.” We need to “draw the line in the sand” and say, “I am standing on God’s promises no matter the time it takes because I trust you completely, Lord!”

-Coach Brim

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Keep Going!

Dear Champion Partners and Friends,

After my prayer time today over our partners and friends, I felt led to share these two words with you: Keep Going. Keep going in the things that God has set before you to do. Keep going In His word. Keep going standing on His promises. Don’t give up! Don’t settle for second best!  Keep pressing forward to the mark of what God is calling you to do in Him.

Paul tells us in Philippians 3:14 (KJV), “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

The word press, when looking up the original Greek meaning, states that it is a verb; and it means “to pursue.” So, in other words, it’s an action we do in which we are aggressively going after something. It even goes on to say that it is as if you are making “a run for something.”

When I was a kid, we used to play a game in P.E. called capture the flag. They would divide us into two teams. One team would be the offense, and the other team would be the defense. The goal of the offensive team was to run from our starting point, one side of the gym, to other side of the gym and capture the flag. The defensive team was there to tag us so we couldn’t go forward and capture the flag. Once we were tagged by the defensive team, we would sit down and hope that someone on our team would make it across to the flag. It was an exciting game!

This game reminds me a lot of this very scripture, especially the beginning of the verse. “I press toward the goal for the prize.” Paul is telling us that there is going to be a pressing forward that we must to do in order to achieve the goal of the prize. Just like in the game capture the flag, you have an opponent that is trying to stop you from reaching your goal. But, don’t give up! Keep going. This opponent may “tag you” every now and then, but unlike the game, you can get up and keep going. God has always provided for us a way to keep going. Faith is our way. Even when we get tagged, we can look within us (in our inner man), and realize that we can do what the Word says we can do. Keep pressing toward the goal of the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus!

So, whatever situation you may be facing in your life today, I believe with all my heart that you can do this! You can overcome this! You can keep going! You can keep pressing toward the wanted goal! You can keep moving onward and upward in Christ Jesus! Keep looking forward and “capture the flag” of the goal you have in Christ Jesus today! You are a Champion in Christ Jesus! Keep going.

-Coach Brim

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That Man Pt. 2

Hey Champs!

Today is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! What a great day to be on Team Jesus! What a great day to serve the Lord in whatever capacity that He may ask us to serve Him today! Champion men and women of God, I am so thankful to God for you!  Thank you, Lord, for them; and I ask You to bless them exceedingly, abundantly today.

Let’s pick up where we left of last week.

Psalms 37:23-24 (KJV)

The steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord: and He delighteth in his way.

The Amplified of Psalms 37:23 says it like this:

The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step].
We found out last week that the word “man”, in this scripture is not just any man but a particular man. The Hebrew word for this man is “Gerber”.  That word means strong, mighty, warrior. This is the man/woman who puts his trust in God, one who continues to hold onto God’s promises at all cost, and one who delights himself/herself in the Word of God and meditates on it. This “Gerber” man is a fighter for the things of God! Ask yourself today, when a situation arises in your life, are you “That Man”?  Are you the one who runs to God and His Word for the answer?

Psalms 40:4 in the King James version says, “Blessed is that man that maketh the Lord his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.”

Psalms 40:4 in the Amplified says it like this: “Blessed [fortunate, prosperous, and favored by God] is that man who makes the Lord his trust, And does not regard the proud nor those who lapse into lies.”

Many times in the Bible, you will see the phrase “the man”, and that is referring to Adom, which means any man. But, in this scripture, it is directed to “that man”. The man the Lord is talking about here is the very same man that is talked about in Psalms 37:  the Gerber man. Not the Adom, ish or enosh man, but a particular man - the strong, mighty warrior who puts his trust in the Lord!

So, we have a part to play in becoming “That Man”! We have a part in becoming the “Gerber” man - a particular man that God busies Himself with every step he takes.

And as stated in Psalms chapter 40, one of the prerequisites for becoming “That Man” is found here.  Put your trust in the Lord! So, Champions, let’s decide today that in all situations we are going to put our trust in the Lord.

Let’s say together, “I am well on my way to becoming who I already am - THAT MAN! One who puts my trust in the Lord!”

-Coach Brim

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