Hey Partners and Friends!
How did you do last week? Did you allow the Word of God to change your mindset on a situation that occurred in life? Did you press into God and His word or did you allow the situation to overtake you and run havoc in your mind? If you choose the first scenario, praise God! If you choose the second scenario, no worries. Ask God to forgive you, help you, and get back on track! Champions never give up, they just get pick themselves up and get back on the path to moving forward in their goals.
The definition of goal is the end toward which effort is directed. Champions always direct their goal toward a winning end! Champions want to win and are willing to do whatever it takes to reach that goal. They have set their mind on the prize and they keep pressing toward that mark even when failure is involved. Thank goodness Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Edison didn’t give up in the face of failure. We wouldn’t have freedom for all and the light/electricity we have to today if it wasn’t for these men. Both of these men failed many times and had the option of quitting. I am pretty sure each one dealt with thoughts of failure and wanted to quit, but they didn’t allow those thoughts to settle in their mind and make them who they are. Praise God, the Champion of all Champions, Jesus, didn’t give up! Even in the midst of crying out to God for help, he stated, “Oh my Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will”. (Matt. 26:39) Jesus had a goal… us! Our salvation was the “end toward the effort” Jesus was directed to! He endured the cross and the shame set before him so that we can live in eternity with Him! His mindset was on us! Our mindset should be set on Him. Overcome negative thoughts about your life and situation by doing what Jesus did - setting His mind on the prize.
What is your mind set on today? On Christ and His word? I can do all things in Christ which strengthens me. I can overcome any situation by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony. Think on these things… whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, think on these. (Phil. 4:8)
- Coach Brim
Is it in your calendar yet? One of the greatest youth events this summer is getting closer! July 23rd will be here before you know it, and you don’t want your youth to miss out! Not only do we have great times of ministry with Billye Brim, Chip Brim, Steve Munds, and special guest, we have part of our packaged deal trips to Silver Dollar City, White Water and featuring the new show at Sight and Sound theater, Samson! I’m telling you! You won’t want to miss out!