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"I Have People"

Hey Partners and Friends!

I am so excited to bring you what the Lord has placed on my heart! I believe it will be an inspiration to you about the heart of God.

Just recently, a friend of mine shared this scripture; and as soon as he read it, it went off in my spirit! The scripture is found in Acts 18:9-10, and it’s the Lord speaking to Paul. Let’s set the scene: Paul was in Corinth preaching the good news of the gospel to the people of Corinth; but they kept opposing, abusing, and reviling him as he spoke. It bothered Paul so much that he took off his clothes and shook them out as to say, “I rid myself of you.” Have you ever felt like Paul? You’re just trying to do the Christian things in life, and the opposition is against you. But! Then the Lord enters in verse nine and speaks a word of encouragement to Paul. 

Acts 18:9-10 states: “One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: ’Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.’” (NIV)

In other words, the Lord was telling Paul, “Don’t be afraid. Keep speaking my word. Don’t go silent because I am with you, and I have believers around you praying for you, standing with you! So, keep speaking!” 

For today’s purpose, we are going to focus on the last part of verse ten, “I have many people in this city.”  This is the part that went off in my spirit! God has people in every city, in every town, in the middle of nowhere. God has people, and not just anyone, but His people. He has you! Champions, no matter where you may be, you are placed there by God to keep on speaking! Don’t be afraid, but keep on speaking. Keep declaring the Blood of Jesus over your area. Keep speaking over your town, standing in the gap for the schools in your area. Keep reading the Ephesians prayers over the government officials. Don’t be silent. The enemy would say that you can’t make a difference, but the word says otherwise. God, Himself, said, “I have people!” He’s calling forth His people to unite for His purpose, and just as He said to Paul, He is saying to us! Don’t be afraid - keep on speaking! The greatest weapon we have against the enemy is the voice of faith that God gave us! That voice of faith, speaking His word over our area, matters greatly in the kingdom of God.

So, Champions, I say to you today: keep on speaking, for you are the people that God has placed in the area you live to rule and reign over the enemy. You, with your voice of faith declaring the word of God and pleading the blood, will make a difference! Keep on speaking!

-Coach Brim