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Happy Thursday, Partners and Friends! 

Today is the day that the Lord has made; I choose to rejoice and be glad in it! This is a great day to serve the Lord and thank Him for all He has done for us in our lives. Thank Him for the big and little things He has done for us! Forever thanking God for the life He entrusted us with.

Jack Hayford said this, We should strive to be the best we can be and to reach the highest level we can reach. To do less is to be unfaithful stewards of life entrusted to us.What is the highest level we can reach in life? 

In Genesis 1:27, the word tells us that God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him - male and female. Think about that! God created us out His very own self! He created us to be like Him. We are the only creature that has a spirit, soul, and body. We are the only creature that has a speaking spirit, just like God. In Genesis 1, God spoke, “let there be light” and there was light. That is the image that we were created in! God spoke - we speak. The sky is the limit in God and His image. 

So, going back to what Jack Hayford said, we should strive to be the best and reach the highest level we can reach. All of this is possible because we were created in the image of God.

Champions, many times we limit the dream God has placed in our hearts for our lives because we put our faith in ourselves and not in God and how he created us to be. It does not say in Genesis 1:27 that we were created with lack! It states that we were created in God’s image, and that means no lack. There is no lack in God, thus, there is no lack in the ability in us to do what God has called us to do. In God and His image, the highest levels can be reached.

God has entrusted us with one life here upon the earth. He has placed each one of us here for a purpose and a reason.  To not fulfill that purpose and reason in life is to be an unfaithful steward of the time God has given you for your journey here upon the earth. Oh, yes! If you are saved, you will continue forth with your journey in heaven; but God has called us to a place called earth to fulfill a mission while we are here. 

So, do not let low-level-devils tell you that you are not capable, you are not smart enough, pretty enough or have enough money to complete what God has placed on your heart. Remember: YOU are created in the image of God. In His image, there are no mistakes, only perfection. There is no lack, only provision. There is no doubt, only faith. Look at yourself, the way God sees you: in His Image, just like Him.   

In closing, look back at the statement by Jack Hayford, “We should strive to be the best we can be and to reach the highest levels we can reach. To do less is to be unfaithful stewards of the life entrusted to us.” Champions, we have been entrusted with one life upon this earth. So, let’s reach for the highest levels in Him and His calling upon our lives. We can do this! We were created in His image. Change our image to match His image and strive forward!

-Coach Brim