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Hey Partners and Friends!

For several weeks we have talked about attitude, perception and overcoming. All three of these words have to do with mindset. If your mind is set with a good attitude, then you will have a good outlook on life - even though you may be in the middle of a situation that does not look so good.  Have you ever been there? Who hasn’t?

A couple of Sundays ago my wife, Candace Brim, spoke on this very subject - mindset. She shared that mindset is defined as a mental attitude or inclination; a fixed state of mind.

Napoleon said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. “

David Cuscheri stated, “The mind is a powerful force.  It can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us into the depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy. Learn to use the power wisely.“

The word of God tells us that as a man thinks, so is he. So, it is obvious that the mind and thought life play a very important role in every area of our life - especially in the area of faith.  In fact you, could say that our thought life is a great predictor of our faith level.

The stronger our thoughts are geared to what the Word of God says about us, the stronger our faith will be!

II Timothy 1:7 tells us, “For God hath not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and of a sound mind.” In other words, we were never meant to have anything but a sound mind! God has provided that for us and has backed it up with all kinds of help in keeping our mind sound.

He has given us His word and His Holy Spirit to help us on a daily basis, but it is up to us to get in His word and listen to the Holy Spirit. So make a choice this week to get into His word and spend time in prayer. Allow God’s word to change your mindset to a mind fixed on Him.

Just a Reminder! The C4C Youth Rally in Branson Mo. Is a life changing experience for junior high and high school kids and it starts July 23rd and ends July 27th.  This youth rally is designed to build up your youth to be a Champion 4 Christ as he or she enters their upcoming school year! It’s a week full of lots of ministry times with Dr. Billye (mom) and myself, along with other anointed speakers.  It’s also a time for fun with Go Ministries music and drama team, as well as trips to the great Christian parks found in Branson; Silver Dollar City and White Water. Check it out! Visit our website at Champions4Christ.org and on Facebook and Instagram @c4crally.

- Coach Brim