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Hey Partners and Friends,

Just checking in this week to see how you are doing on your challenges! How was your perception this past week? Did you look at your situations through God’s Word and His perception or did you become over whelmed with the mountain before you and perceive it as a helpless situation? Our prayer is that you were an overcomer this past week. And if you were, REJOICE! If you were not, don’t give up. It’s a new day to move forward in God!

Let’s go back and look at attitude and perception. We learned that attitude is your settled way of thinking and a champion’s attitude is “I can do this, no matter the cost.”  We also learned that your perception can affect your attitude. If you see yourself a winner, then your attitude will be that of a winner!

Now let’s add a new word to our list - Overcomer.

The Word tells us that we overcome any situation by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony and that we love God more than our life.

We get to look at life with an overcoming attitude because of what Jesus did for us!  He overcame situations by His blood so that we may overcome by His blood.  Every time we testify of what God did for us or testify of His word, then we overcome! Speak of what Jesus did for you with His blood! Use His overcoming Word to break through that situation!  Keep pressing forward, refusing to let go of what has been already provided for you and you will overcome that which looks hopeless.  We need to perceive situations in our lives as, “We WILL overcome this!” Jesus is our greatest examples of these three words! Attitude, perception and overcomer. And according to the Word of God, if we have the right attitude (God’s word), right perception (looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith) and determine to see ourselves as overcomers, then we will not fail. 

Just a Reminder - one of the greatest youth events this summer is getting closer: July 23rd will be here before you know it, and you don’t want your youth to miss out! Not only do we have great times of ministry, with Billye Brim, Chip Brim, Steve Munds, and special guests; we have trips to Silver Dollar City, White Water and the new show at Sight and Sound Theater, Samson! I’m telling you, you won’t want to miss out!  For more information, head over to our website champions4christ.org or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @c4crally.

 - Coach Brim